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CAP-XX 澳洲商 - 專注於薄型化超級電容器




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Supercapacitors bridge power gaps.

If the peak power required to support a function is greater than the average power required by the device, you’ve got a job for a supercapacitor. One ubiquitous example of this is radio frequency transmission. Wireless technology enables billions of consumer and industrial devices, but it can be very power hungry. Everything that connects needs bursts of power to transmit data – power that batteries and other current-limited sources like energy harvesters and USB power supplies often can’t supply, but a supercapacitor certainly can.

And if the primary power supply is subject to failure or fluctuation (like a mains plug being pulled out, a battery running out of charge, or a cloud passing by a solar panel), a supercapacitor can ride through the power gap too, acting as an on-board, Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS).

And if your primary source is an energy harvester, or if you just want a battery-free, fast charging solution, a supercapacitor will function as the energy store, the power supply, and the on-board UPS.

Supercapacitors create advanced power solutions that enable the latest technologies. Discover how CAP-XX provides the power to wirelessconsumer, and commercialdevices.


Supercapacitor Benefits

  • Extend battery run time by minimizing the voltage droop caused by a high-current load

  • Smooth out fluctuating power requirements from a low current source Minimize electrical and acoustic noise generated by current pulses in RF-enabled devices

  • Permit low-temperature and high-temperature operation in harsh environments

  • Provide technical benefit in small volume/mass, particularly in space-constrained environments

  • Enable thinner, smaller industrial designs for PDAs, smartphones, and other consumer applications

  • Meet all relevant environmental standards for disposal and hazardous operation


When to use a Supercapacitor

Do I Need a Battery or a Supercapacitor or Both?Battery Benefits:

  • Large Energy Density

  • CAP-XX Benefits:

  • Large Power Density

  • Quick Discharge & Recharge

  • Very Thin & Flat

  • Long Life (no electrochemical reactions means an almost unlimited cycle life)


When should I use a Supercapacitor to improve the Power Source?As a Power SUPPORT(High Source Impedance)


  • Current-limited Host

  • Primary batteries

  • Rechargeable batteries

  • Energy harvesters

  • Fuel cells

  • As a Power REPLACEMENT(Infinite Source Impedance)

  • Mains backup (e.g. as an internal UPS for SSDs)

  • Battery backup (e.g. for “graceful shut down”, “battery hot swap” and “last gasp” wireless transmissions)

  • Voltage stabilisation (e.g. for battery contact chatter “Drop Test” and transients)

  • Short term energy storage (e.g. for Battery-free devices using Inductive charge or Cradle/Cable charge)

       Leveling Pulsed



  • IF AVERAGE output power < AVERAGE input power


  • PEAK output power > PEAK input power

MAXWELL Cap picture
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